Microsoft adCenter Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The right keywords for the right audience to capture the right customer
What is the adCenter Add-in for Excel with the Ad Intelligence module?
The adCenter Add-in is a keyword research and optimization tool, which enables users to rapidly build out or expand keyword lists and plan keyword strategy based on a range of important attributes such as relevance, historical cost, volume, geography and demographics. The adCenter Add-in provides the ability to easily research keywords to help you reach the right audience, and capture and convert the right customer.
This document contains:
I. External Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Contents
• About adCenter Add-in
• Getting Started
• How it Works
• Using the adCenter Add-in
• Support
• Troubleshooting
II. Glossary of Key Terms
I - External Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Contents
About adCenter Add-in
What is the Microsoft adCenter Add-in1. Beta?
Will the adCenter Add-in be available in other markets?2.
What features are found in the adCenter Add-in?3.
Why was the adCenter Add-in released in Beta?4.
Getting Started
What are the system requirements for the adCenter Add-in?5.
How do I download and install the adCenter Add-in?6.
I have an old version of the adCenter Add-in (formerly called adSage). How do I upgrade to the
7. new version?
I’ve installed the adCenter Add-in and now where do I find it?
adCenter Add-inBeta for Excel
Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs)
How it Works
9. How come I don’t always get results when I use the adCenter Add-in?
10. Under the Keyword Suggestion feature, what is the difference between the three algorithms shown
(Campaign Association, Contained and Similarity)?
11. What are the date ranges available for the data provided by the adCenter Add-in?
12. When using the Monthly Traffic feature, how does the adCenter Add-in forecast the traffic for the
three future months?
13. When using the Daily Traffic feature, why do the results not show search impressions more recent
than 3 to 5 days in the past?
14. When using the Monetization feature, how are the output ranges defined for the conditional
formatting of CTR and CPC?
15. When I set Maximum Suggested Keywords to 100 in Keyword Suggestion, why do I sometimes
receive less than this amount?
16. Why do I get duplicate terms in my results for Spiky Keywords?
17. How do I set the Geography function to show state, city, or country?
18. How do I set custom defaults for date ranges or other preferences for the various functions?
19. If I bid the CPCs recommended for Position 1, am I guaranteed the number one spot?
20. Please explain why the query number in Monthly Traffic for a month does not match the
impression data in Monetization?
21. Why does a lower position have a higher average CPC than a higher position?
22. Could my keyword impression count be different than Microsoft adCenter Add-in’s report?
23. Is content match included in impression counts?
24. Why is my search result displayed in a new sheet?
25. How do I compare the scores from two different functions?
26. Is adCenter Add-in information only derived from MSN data?
27. What is the taxonomy used for Keyword Categorization?
28. For results derived from the Monetization feature, why is it that sometimes the impression count is
vastly different for Positions 1, 2, and 3 for terms with high-bid density?
29. How are the impression numbers different between adCenter Add-in forecast data and the research
tab data in adCenter?
30. How accurate is monthly traffic forecasting and how is it done?
31. Are these keyword expansion tools based on actual search queries or keywords in adCenter?
32. Can keywords be classified into more than one category (e.g. “apple” can be both a fruit and a
technology brand)?
Using the Add-in
How can I use the adCenter Add-in to quickly generate relevant keywords to describe my web sites?33.
How can I use the adCenter Add-in to quickly create or expand a list of relevant keywords?34.
How can I use the adCenter Add-in to forecast keyword search traffic?35.
How can I use the adCenter Add-in to understand the seasonality of keyword searches?36.
How can I use the adCenter Add-in to understand the localization of keyword searches?37.
How can I use the adCenter Add-in to understand the demographics of keyword searches?38.
How can I use the adCenter Add-in to obtain KPIs for keywords, such as CTR, CPC, Impressions and Position?39.
Where else can I learn more about the most recent updates to the adCenter Add-in?40.
Who do I contact for adCenter Add-in support?41.
Where can I find adCenter Add-in support information?42.
How do I provide feedback and how can I suggest new features for the adCenter Add-in? (Excel 2007)43.
Why can’t I find my adCenter Add-in tab in the Excel ribbon? (Excel 2007)44.
I’ve successfully installed the adCenter Add-in, but when I run it I get an error message regarding “invalid user
45. authorization.” How do I resolve this? (Excel 2007)
How do you Optimize your campaign with the adCenter Add-in Beta for Excel?46.
About Microsoft adCenter Add-in
1. What is the Microsoft adCenter Add-in?
The Microsoft adCenter Add-in is a no-cost keyword research and optimization tool that integrates into Excel.
2. Will the adCenter Add-in be available in other markets?
The adCenter Add-in is currently available for adCenter customers in the US market. However, the adCenter Add-in provides data that can be useful in markets other than the US. You are free to download and use the adCenter Add-in even if you conduct business outside of the US.
3. What features are found in the adCenter Add-in?
The adCenter Add-in offers a broad selection of powerful keyword expansion and campaign optimization tools:
Keyword Extraction:• extracts commonly used keywords from a given website address, which allows the user to see what keywords are in popular use on that site.
Keyword Suggestion: • enables quick generation of a large list of relevant keywords from an initial list of keywords entered.
Search Buzz:• returns the top keywords, by vertical market, for the given time period. Two keyword trend research options are offered:
Top Spiky Keywords:• returns the keywords whose trends are sudden and spiking (i.e. not overall popularity, but demonstrate flashing and surging popularity).
Top Frequent Keywords: • displays the keyword trends for the overall most popular keywords.
Monthly Traffic: • provides both Monthly Traffic and Daily Traffic.
Monthly Traffic:• allows the user to look at monthly historical and future, forecasted query counts for the given keywords.
Daily Traffic:• provides the user with daily query counts for the given keywords.
Keyword Categorization: • input keywords, and then the algorithm suggests a category based on the taxonomy.
Geographic: • provides location information of searchers for specific keywords (user can specify country, state or city) about the input keywords within a set time period.
Demographic: • provides demographic information on searchers (by gender, age group) about the given keywords within a set time period.
Monetization: • this feature has two sub-features:
Monetization: • allows users to gather monetization information for the given keyword(s). This
feature provides information about clicks, impressions, position, click through rate, cost per click, and match type • within a date range.
Vertical KPIs: • returns KPI’s (key performance indicators) through monetization information about selected verticals within a date range.
Advanced Algorithm: • enables you to set the parameters of all of the features to suit your business needs. Each feature can be set to meet personal preferences or needs.
4. Why was the adCenter Add-in released in Beta?
The adCenter Add-in was released in Beta as a way to gather feedback from customers. We hope that customers enjoy the tool and understand that since this is a Beta version additional functionality will be forthcoming.
Getting Started
5. What are the system requirements for the adCenter Add-in?
You will need the following on your PC:
adCenter Login•
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 or Excel 2007•
Internet access•
6. How do I download and install the adCenter Add-in?
The adCenter Add-in installation instructions and setup program is located at the following site: (Excel 2007) (Excel 2003)
7. I have an old version of the adCenter Add-in (formerly called adSage). How do I upgrade to the new version?
To upgrade to the new version, first uninstall the old version and then install the new version. Please see the installation guide for detailed instructions.
8. I’ve installed the adCenter Add-in and now where do I find it?
After the adCenter Add-in is installed, it should automatically be available to you within Excel as a new tab called “Ad Intelligence,” located at the top of the page. Alternatively, the application (including Excel) can be launched by double-clicking a short cut adCenter Add-in icon on your desktop or by selecting the application from your program list, under the Windows Start Menu.
How it Works
9. How come I don’t always get results when I use the adCenter Add-in?
In order to ensure that the data is anonymous when aggregated, we limit results to those that meet a minimum bar activity. For example, we typically limit the search counts to queries that are above a minimum search count for data that is based upon results from Live Search. In the case of the Campaign Association algorithm (based on data from adCenter), if only a small pool of advertisers have bid on a keyword, then the resulting data will be suppressed.
10. Under the Keyword Suggestion feature, what is the difference between the three algorithms shown (Campaign Association, Contained and Similarity)?
Campaign Association: • keywords that have been bid upon in adCenter.
MicrosoftContained: • keywords that have been part of a search query in Live Search and contain the given term.
Similarity: • keywords that are similar in context to other keywords used on the World Wide Web.
11. What are the date ranges available for the data provided by the adCenter Add-in?
Several different features in the adCenter Add-in offer different options for historical data ranges:
Top Spiky Keywords: • past 1, 10, 30 or 60 day period or a custom range.
Top Frequent Keywords, Monetization and Vertical KPIs: • past day, week or 30 day period.
Monthly Traffic: • past data for 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 month period forecasted for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months.
Daily Traffic, Geographic and Demographic: • past data for 1, 7, 10, 30 or 60 day period — or you may specify a time period.
12. When using the Monthly Traffic feature, how does the adCenter Add-in forecast the traffic for the future months?
Monthly Traffic can be forecasted forward 1, 3, 6, or 12 months into the future. The forecasted values are determined by an algorithm, which considers past keyword trends and seasonality.
13. When using the Daily Traffic feature, why do the results not show search impressions more recent than 3 to 5 days in the past?
To ensure data quality, the adCenter Add-in provides a sample set of data that typically commences 3 to 5 days prior to the current date.
14. When using the Monetization feature, how are the output ranges defined for the conditional formatting of CTR and CPC?
The result ranges specified in the tool can be found by selecting the Conditional Formatting menu in Excel, found under the Home menu.
15. When I set Maximum Suggested Keywords to 100 in Keyword Suggestion, why do I sometimes receive less than this amount?
Maximum Suggested Keywords provides an estimated set of keywords based upon all that are available. Sometimes there are fewer keywords available than the maximum number specified. You can modify the maximum number of results returned in your options.
16. Why do I get duplicate terms in my results for Spiky Keywords?
In our system, we detect and give starting and ending dates for each spiky term. If there are duplicate terms in the results, it means the same term has become a spiky term multiple times in the given time frame.
17. How do I set the Geography function to show state, city or country?
Click the Options or the Advanced Algorithm buttons and select Geography. From here, you can set your geographical level.
18. How do I set custom defaults for date ranges or other preferences for the various functions?
Click the Options or the Advanced Algorithm buttons and select the function you wish to customize.
19. If I bid the CPCs recommended for Position 1, am I guaranteed the number one spot?
The adCenter Add-in provides recommendations for bids based upon position; however, these recommendations are not conclusive. Variable factors impact placement such as the number of advertisers bidding, current bid prices and budget, term frequency, geographic and demographic targeting.
20. Please explain why the query number in Monthly Traffic for a month does not match the impression data in Monetization?
Monthly Traffic (and Daily Traffic) numbers are based on exact search query data. Monetization numbers are based on ad impressions which are further segmented by the match type chosen. The numbers will not match as a result of this.
21. Why does a lower position have a higher average CPC than a higher position?
CPC position can vary based on various factors, such as maximum CPC listed by the advertiser. For example, positions 1 through 3 could have a lower CPC than position 4 for one of your keywords. This happens when no ads were served for positions 1 through 3 for that keyword.
22. Could my keyword impression count be different than Microsoft adCenter Add-in’s report
Microsoft adCenter Add-in impressions for monthly data is based on exact search queries on Monetization is based on keyword impressions by all advertisers. Microsoft adCenter keyword reports are based solely on keywords served. Microsoft adCenter data has also been filtered to remove invalid impressions.
23. Is content match included in impression counts?
Currently, content impressions are not included in Microsoft adCenter Add-in data.
24. Why is my search result displayed in a new sheet?
If you select more than 100 cells or if your selection is inside a data table, adCenter Add-in always creates a new sheet to keep the Excel sheet clean. You can also choose to always create a new sheet by clicking on Options and selecting Display Settings.
25. How do I compare the scores from two different functions?
Comparing scores from different functions is not meaningful since different functions have different algorithms that don’t use the same scales for their scores.
26. Is adCenter Add-in information only derived from MSN data?
The Traffic and Monetization features are derived from MSN data exclusively. With the exclusion of the traffic and monetization features our functions utilize data collected from crawling the Worldwide Web.
27. What is the taxonomy used for Keyword Categorization?
The Microsoft Contextual Taxonomy is used for this function.
28. For results derived from the Monetization feature, why is it that sometimes the impression count is vastly different for Positions 1, 2, and 3 for terms with high-bid density?
There are different match types for the same keyword and it is possible to have different impressions for keywords served.
For example, the query “red shoes” could result in the following keywords being served:
Position 1: red shoes
Position 2: shoes
Position 3: red shoes
A second search for “red shoes” could have results like this:
Position 1: shoes
Position 2: shoes
Position 3: red shoes
Monetization would show the following information:
red shoes
red shoes
red shoes
29. How are the impression numbers different between adCenter Add-in forecast data and the research tab data in adCenter?
The monthly forecast is based on an algorithm incorporating significant historical exact match search query data (not impression data). The Microsoft adCenter research tab provides projected numbers based on recent impression counts which could be different from the query counts based on match type. The projected data in adCenter and the forecasted traffic numbers in the Add-in will not match as a result of this.
30. How accurate is monthly traffic forecasting and how is it done?
The forecasting is based on several algorithms, which includes historical data. Forecasting and the other algorithms are checked regularly and updates are applied in order to try to make the best predictions possible. That said, historical trends may change over time and this would cause future results to deviate from past performance.
31. Are the keyword expansion tools (Keyword Wizard / Extraction / Suggestion) based on actual search queries or keywords in adCenter?
Keyword suggestions are based on Web data and are not limited to search queries.
32. Can keywords be classified into more than one category (e.g. “apple” can be both a fruit and a technology brand)?
Keywords can be in multiple categories. By default, the application provides multiple categories, sorted by confidence.
Using the adCenter Add-in
33. How can I use the adCenter Add-in to quickly generate relevant keywords to describe my web sites?
Relevant keywords can be quickly generated either by using the Keyword Wizard or by using the Keyword Extraction feature. The Keyword Extraction feature extracts commonly used keywords from the selected website addresses, which allows the user to see what keywords are in popular use on those sites.
34. How can I use the adCenter Add-in to quickly create or expand a list of relevant keywords?
Relevant keywords can be quickly generated either by using the Keyword Wizard or by using the Keyword Suggestion feature. The user simply enters a list of keywords into Excel and the Keyword Suggestion feature will generate relevant keywords based on one or more of the following three algorithms:
Campaign Association: • keywords are suggested based on advertisers’ keyword bidding behavior.
Contained:• keywords are suggested based on past user searches that contained those keywords.
Similarity: • keywords that are similar in context to other keywords used in the World Wide Web.
35. How can I use the adCenter Add-in to forecast keyword search traffic?
The keyword search traffic can be forecasted 1, 3, 6 or 12 months into the future, either through the Keyword Wizard or by selecting the Monthly Traffic feature. Both the historical queries (searches) for the past 12 months and the forecasted quotes for the upcoming 1, 3, 6 or 12 months are shown for each keyword.
36. How can I use the adCenter Add-in to understand the seasonality of keyword searches?
Viewing historical trends of keyword searches provides insight into the seasonality of keyword searches, which can be done by using the Monthly Traffic feature.
37. How can I use the adCenter Add-in to understand the localization of keyword searches?
Through the Geographic feature, you can view the number of searches for selected keywords by city, state or country, for up to 10 locations over various time periods. These settings can be temporarily or permanently changed through the Options feature or through the Advanced Algorithm feature.
38. How can I use the adCenter Add-in to understand the demographics of keyword searches?
You can view the breakdown of searches in percent by gender and age group through the use of the Demographics feature. It is possible to obtain this data for a range of time periods, which can be selected through the Advanced Algorithm or Options feature.
39. How can I use the adCenter Add-in to obtain KPIs for keywords, such as CTR, CPC, Impressions, and Position?
Keyword KPIs can be obtained through the Monetization feature.
40. Where else can I learn more about the most recent updates to the adCenter Add-in?
You can visit the adCenter forum to learn more about the most recent updates to the adCenter Add-in.
41. Who do I contact for adCenter Add-in support?
If you have questions about Microsoft adCenter or the adCenter Add-in, please contact our support team by accessing the adCenter Add-in forum.
42. Where can I find adCenter Add-in support information?
You can find adCenter Add-in support information on the adCenter website.
43. How do I provide feedback and how can I suggest new features for the adCenter Add-in? (Excel 2007)
Premium: We value and appreciate your feedback. It is a critical component to the success of the adCenter Add-in. Please contact your account representative with any comments; however, feel free to provide feedback at any time by accessing the adCenter Add-in forum.
44. Why can’t I find my adCenter Add-in tab in the Excel ribbon? (Excel 2007)
First, please validate that you’ve successfully installed the Microsoft adCenter Add-in by looking in your Start menu, under All Programs, for the Microsoft adCenter Add-in for Excel 2.0. If you successfully find the Add-in installed, return to Excel, and open Excel Options as shown in Figure 1 below.
Select Add-ins and then select COM Add-ins in the Manage box as shown in Figure 2.
After you’ve selected COM Add-ins, click Go. A dialog box called Com Add-ins will be displayed. Check adCenter Add-in and click the OK button.
**Workaround: If the above steps do not work, please uninstall the adCenter Add-in and reinstall.
45. I’ve successfully installed the adCenter Add-in, but when I run it I get an error message regarding “invalid user authorization.” How do I resolve this? (Excel 2007)
Please perform the following steps:
1. Click the Ad Intelligence tab to display the adCenter Add-in ribbon.
2. Click the Options button.
3. Under KSP Settings, click KSP Server.
4. Next, enter your username and password.
5. In the KSP Server dialog box, specify the Cloud Server address and click Test to verify your connection.
6. Click OK.
46. How do you Optimize your campaign with the adCenter Add-in Beta for Excel?
The adCenter Add-inBeta is a keyword research and optimization tool, based in Excel and includes the Ad Intelligence model, which enables you to:
Easily and quickly build out or expand keyword lists•
Effectively plan keyword strategy based relevance, cost history, volume, demographics, geography, and more. •
Forecast monthly and daily keyword impressions and future trends.
Download the adCenter Add-inBeta today to start researching keywords to help reach the right audience—and capture and convert the right customer.
Microsoft adCenter Add-In Beta for Excel 2003 is here!
We now have the Add-in for Excel 2003 users. Download the latest version here and give it a try!
II. Glossary of Key Terms
Application programming interface: the Microsoft adCenter API enables you to programmatically access adCenter to create and manage advertising campaigns that are run on the Internet.
The adCenter Add-in will remain in Beta as we work to provide additional features and functionality. The product is fully functional and we’re excited to offer keyword optimization, search impression forecasting, monetization and other powerful features.
The category provides the industry that the keyword or URL is affiliated with, based on our taxonomy.
Cloud Server
A technology that automatically distributes user queries to a farm of servers.
Cost-per-click: the advertiser only pays when the consumer clicks on their ad.
Terminology used to describe how a search engine moves through the Internet by following links, in order to download web page content.
This represents the confidence we have in a result generated by the tool, and ranges from 0 (not confident) to 1 (very confident).
Click Through Rate: the percentage of those clicking on a link out of the total number of those who see the link, which reflects the efficiency of the ad investment.
Impressions in the adCenter Add-in are the number of instances that an ad was served on Live Search.
Key Performance Indicators: they are pre-defined, quantifiable measurements that reflect the critical success factors of a business or organization.
Keyword Services Platform: the platform from adCenter that allows third-party developers to build applications through standardized APIs to analyze keywords and websites and optimize campaigns.
Match type: Exact, Phrase, Broad
When using the Keyword Wizard to determine the Monetization of keywords, it is possible to select various match types:
Exact: the output will only return information for those keywords that you input, in the exact order, with no additional keywords and with no spelling variations.
Phrase: the output will reflect keywords resulting from when users search on the exact phrase and also when their search contains additional terms, as long as the keyword phrase is in exactly the same order.
Broad: matches are often less targeted than exact or phrase matches. The output returned will include any keywords that contain the same keywords you have input, in any order, and possibly along with other terms.
This represents the position of the displayed ads on the page of the Live Search page results. There are eight possible positions on any Live Search page — three at the top of the page and five along the right hand side.
Search Query
A search performed on
Spiky Index
The Spiky index is a relative measurement of how popular a keyword has become. The index has a relatively wide scale, which ensures that keywords with very large search impressions do not drown out keywords with a small amount of search impressions. The higher this index, the more the keyword has surged.
Spiky Keywords
Spiky keywords are keywords that have shown a recent surge in popularity, which may be short-lived. For example, Halloween is a typical spiky keyword, as its popularity surges around October each year.
This represents the date when the keyword began to surge in popularity.
This represents the date when the keyword’s surge in popularity ended.
Posted bySumedh at 2:26 AM